Monday, August 30, 2010

Transition Phase!

Ughhhhhhhh!!!! Life, life, life! So by God's grace, I am now a graduate student at Philadelphia Biblical University. God is so good to me because he has given me the desire of my heart which was his desire for my life. I am on a mission for the Lord to pursue a degree in Biblical Counseling to serve his people in a lost and dying world. Graduate Orientation is September 2nd and I am so excited!!!!! On the flip side people, I am struggling! I am currently staying with my father, and I am ready to go! My father is a Muslim, and I am constantly talked to in a harsh or demeaning way. I have some money saved up; however, it is not enough to pay rent consistently. I am trusting the Lord for a job, and I have been applying to jobs like crazy. I was told by a sister in Christ to take out some loans and don't work. She also says that God wants me to relax. That sounds really good, but I need some type of income. I am moving out of my father's house very soon because I am trusting the Lord to provide a place and a roommate. I am praying and trusting God that he will lead and direct me because I need some love and encouragement from the Saints. I praise God that I go to a Christian school because I am certain that I will find some believers to encourage me and labor alongside. I recently visited Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church and next Sunday I am going to Epiphany Fellowship. I am trusting the Lord to find a solid church I can serve in as well. I say all of this to say: Please pray for me Saints in regards to a job, where to live, and the encouragement and love I need from believers. Thank you so much!!

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